Tuesday, January 15, 2019

essay on life

              REALIZE  YOUR  LIFE

God's gift for us is a beautiful nature;
We are the best creature;
The world is filled with river;
Which makes everybody live forever;
As humble as plant is our mother;
Many obstacles are there for her,but she never bothers;
Special care is given for us by her;
Without which our life would wither;
Mountains are so tall;
Just think of it,you 'll never fall;
This is the great opportunity for me ;
To prove my ability;
We have huge appearance in unity;
We never give a chance to lose our dignity;
Every heart contains  clarity;
The way for us to show our purity;
Reading books makes me wise;
Gaining knowledge has increased my brain’s  size;
 I, now stand in pride with opening eyes;
My surprise it is a paradise;
Oh! The world is so nice;
Here is a beautiful raise;
Thank you  God for your wonderful praise;
Hearty welcome is given by day and night ;
Entertainment is simple quiet;
World is so bright;
Where none have fright;
Realize to be right;
Love the beautiful sight;
Light is given by sun and moon;
Initialize your dream to come true very soon;
Don’t give up in life ,because,
The opportunity  comes only once.